As the summer heat intensifies in BC, staying hydrated becomes more and more important, especially for seniors. For seniors of a long-term care home in Port Coquitlam, staying hydrated is made easier with high-quality local tap water that comes from the Capilano, Seymour, and Coquitlam mountain reservoirs. While staying properly hydrated is key to maintaining overall health and well-being, many older adults tend to neglect this simple and important part of their health. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration and, in severe cases, heat stroke. Here are some tips to help seniors stay on top of their hydration levels to ensure they stay healthy and hydrated during the hot summer months.

Understanding the Risks: Dehydration and Heat Stroke

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, disrupting normal bodily functions. Seniors are particularly vulnerable due to changes that occur with aging, such as reduced thirst sensation and decreased kidney function. Heat stroke is a severe form of heat illness that can be life-threatening. It happens when the body’s temperature regulation system is overwhelmed by excessive heat, leading to a rapid rise in body temperature, confusion, and even unconsciousness.

Why Seniors Are at Higher Risk:

  1. Diminished Thirst Response: As people age, the sensation of thirst diminishes, which can lead to a lower intake of fluids.
  2. Medication Side Effects: Some medications, such as diuretics and certain blood pressure drugs, can increase fluid loss.
  3. Chronic Health Conditions: Conditions like diabetes and heart disease can affect fluid balance.
  4. Reduced Kidney Function: Aging kidneys are less efficient at conserving water, making it easier to become dehydrated.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration in Seniors

Recognizing the signs of dehydration early can prevent more severe health issues. Symptoms the nurses of a long-term care home in Port Coquitlam typically watch for include:

  • Dry mouth and tongue
  • Reduced urination and darker urine
  • Fatigue and dizziness
  • Confusion or irritability
  • Muscle cramps
  • Headache

In severe cases, dehydration can lead to heat stroke, which presents additional symptoms like high body temperature, rapid pulse, flushed skin, and unconsciousness. Immediate medical attention is required if heat stroke is suspected.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Maintaining Optimal Body Function:

  • Temperature Regulation: Water helps regulate body temperature through sweating and respiration.
  • Joint Lubrication: Adequate hydration keeps joints lubricated, reducing the risk of joint pain and stiffness.
  • Digestive Health: Water aids in digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Circulatory Health: Proper hydration maintains blood volume and circulation, supporting cardiovascular health.
  • Cognitive Function: Staying hydrated can enhance mood, memory, and cognitive performance.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

1. Drink Regularly: Encourage regular fluid intake throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, but individual needs may vary.

2. Incorporate Hydrating Foods: Fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges, are excellent sources of hydration outside of conventional drinking water.

3. Set Reminders: Use alarms or physical notes to prompt regular drinking. Keeping a water bottle within easy reach is another helpful visual cue.

4. Flavour the Water: Add a splash of fruit juice, a slice of lemon, or a few fresh mint leaves to make water more appealing.

5. Monitor Urine Color: Light-colored urine generally indicates adequate hydration, while darker urine suggests a need for more fluids.

6. Adjust Fluid Intake Based on Activity and Weather: Increase fluid intake on hot days or during physical activities to compensate for additional fluid loss through sweating.

7. Educate and Support: Family members and caregivers should be aware of the importance of hydration and help seniors stay on track with their fluid intake. At Shaughnessy Seniors Community, each resident receives ‘round-the-clock accredited nursing care in order to ensure safety and well-being.

8. Avoid Dehydrating Beverages: Limit consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages during particularly hot days, as these can contribute to fluid loss.

Creative Ways to Encourage Hydration

Hydration Stations: Set up hydration stations around your areas with water, herbal teas, and hydrating snacks.

Social Drinking: Make hydration a social activity by enjoying a cold glass of water together during conversations or outdoor activities.

Hydration Challenges: Introduce friendly hydration challenges or tracking systems to make drinking water more engaging.

Preparing for the Heat: Additional Tips

Stay Cool Indoors: Ensure living spaces are well-ventilated and air-conditioned. Use fans and draw curtains to keep the heat out.

Wear Light Clothing: Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting and breathable garments in lighter colours to stay cool. Avoid wearing dark colours such as navy blue or black, as they can absorb the heat rather than deflect it.

Limit Outdoor Activities: Avoid outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day. If outdoor activities are necessary, stay in the shade and be sure to take frequent breaks.

Plan Ahead: Keep a supply of cold drinks and hydrating snacks ready. Consider keeping a water bottle with an insulating sleeve to keep water cool.


Hydration is a simple yet vital aspect of health, especially for seniors during the hot summer months. By understanding the risks of dehydration and heat stroke, recognizing the signs, and implementing effective hydration strategies, seniors can enjoy a safe, healthy, and active summer. Encourage your loved ones to prioritize hydration and take the necessary steps to stay cool and well-hydrated. Staying hydrated is not just about drinking water; it’s about adopting a lifestyle that supports overall well-being and resilience against the summer heat.

24/7 Accredited Nursing Care for Seniors in the TriCities 

Searching for a safe, flexible, and connected private care home for a loved one? Shaughnessy Seniors Community in Port Coquitlam offers ‘round-the-clock accredited nursing care and thoughtful amenities designed to enrich daily living. Each furnished private suite combines the comforts of home with an abundance of natural light to create an inspired living environment. Book a tour to explore all that this Port Coquitlam private care home has to offer.